
Hi Kathy;

            This is Ivania; Kaitlyn’s and Courtney’s mom.  I wanted to take the time to say goodbye to you and the facilitators which have made an impact in our lives.  I have been very blessed from the beginning of this journey to have found a great support system everywhere I’ve gone; from my family, to my friends, to the Center.  Many times, we have stated in groups how this grief is a roller coaster of emotions, that is 100% correct; and even though love ones want to be there to support us, unless they have lived through some form of grief they cannot understand the emotions, the pain, and the ups and downs we feel as someone dealing directly with loss.  The Center and all its entities have provided a comfort and support that we could not have found anywhere else.  For this and for everything small and big that you have provided directly and indirectly, I thank you.  We will forever be in debt with the emotional support you have provided for each of us.  Kaitlyn has come a long way and thriving as a beautiful teenager.  Courtney, my sweet child has become more caring and understanding of other children and adults.  As for myself, I have decided to take a second chance in life, we are heading to Jacksonville, to be closer to my siblings, and yes I have found someone to share this second stage of my life with, a very good and understanding man that cares very deeply for me and the girls.  If there’s anything I’ve learned from this journey is to never say never.  Many times, during my grief, I said NEVER, I will never leave our home, I will never fall in love again, and to my surprise I have been proven wrong.  I thank you so much once again for the love, patience, understanding, and caring words you each have provided to each of us.  Special thanks to the Elementary K-5 facilitators (so many people), Middle School (Barbara), and Adult Group (Mae and Jeff) for all their great words of wisdoms, their great listening ears and their support, they would have made each of their love ones extremely proud.  And you Kathy, thank you for making this your work. May you all be blessed with the knowledge to continue helping others in their time of grief, and may God watch over each one of you and provide the unconditional patience and love to continue this great work for grieving families. 

                                                                                                Many Blessings;
Ivania, Kaitlyn, and Courtney


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